Saturday, October 10, 2009

Kids these days...

Joey, Julian, Melaku and the CB crew rolled through today. I don't really know when it happened, but highschool kids seem to know what's up now days. Way more so than when I was younger for sure. They know about fashion labels, music, art, they read, write, take challenging courses at school, do all this cool shit that I had no idea about until I got older. I dunno if it's the internet, but kids these days seem to be more in tune culturally than any previous generation I can think of.

Melaku the magic dragon.

Sup Julian (AhDope). Not Mom approved.

some PF's and classic Nike court vintage more sb?

DQM Chukkas. Not available at the Vans store (I think...)

just don't let them play their dopeurbz cd for you.

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