Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Interview with Rebeka, the super-intern.

Meet Rebeka.

Not only does she have a really cool way of spelling her name, but she's the newest intern at Heritage. How do you become an intern like Rebeka you ask? Let's find out...

Gregg: Rebeka, why Heritage?

Rebeka: Why Heritage...are you going to put down everything I say? Heritage is so cool. they're so nice to me. Feel like home. Just kidding. Hahaha.

What's your background? Who are you as a person? Are you a hipster?

No, hahaha, (nervous laugh), anything I say will just make me sound like a hipster.

Answer the question. who are you?

Who am I?

Yes, that's the question I've asked twice now. Who are you. 3 times.

I'm just a little seed in the tree of life, when I die nobody will remember me.

The readers of this blog will. What's your goal in life? Your ambition?

I want to be like Jesus, and make clothes for starving children, maybe.

Jesus was a carpenter, not a seamstress.

No, I want to be like Jesus and make clothes for starving children.

Hungry children can't eat clothing. Big favor you'd be doing them. Tell me about your outfit today. What's up with those boots?

I like purple, and with any other shoes my feet would get wet. I I secretly want you to think I'm a hipster.

This interview is awesome so far.

Are you putting in stuff I didn't say?

No, not yet anyway. Tell our readers about your journal. Weird stuff in there.

Hahahaha. I've come to realize the fact that I'm crazy, so I document it the best I can, in hopes of the day I'm convicted of murder I can get off with an insanity plea.

That's exactly what I thought. Should we wrap this up?


Don't you have a bathroom to clean?

...no...I haven't done anything here, so I probably won't be cleaning the bathroom either.

Hopefully your advisor reads this. what do you want her to know about your experience at Heritage?

Uh, Gregg is a great guy (she really said that), but you should probably drop him off of your contact list.

Ok, have fun watching Rushmore, hipster.

Say hi to The Cobra Snake for me.

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