Sunday, August 8, 2010


We just got back from Agenda Tradeshow in Costa Mesa. We had a blast to say the least. The trip started out with an 8 hour drive down from Roseville with Gregg Shaw, Aaron Hearing and Jeremy McCain. Things got exciting as we pulled into McDonald's for a late night recharge. After our second pass through in search of a refill on Jeremy's McFlurry, we all got hooked up big time with free chicken nuggets, an extra soda, two chocolate fudge sundae's and a large French fry. I guess lady luck was on our side and we took it as an omen for a good trip…until we ate it all and wanted to throw up.

We got to the Hilton late at night after Jeremy drove the way down, and were ready to crash. We slept in too long and missed our appointment with Insight the next morning. It was time to hustle as we went from appointment to appointment with Stussy, Lifetime Collective, Orisue and a ton of other brands. Being at Agenda for the first time seems like you are at someone else's high school reunion. High five's were flying everywhere and every step we took Gregg was sidetracked with friends he hasn't seen for a while. We later met up with Scott, Justin and Maia from Getta Clue and hung out for a while as we proceeded to be bored by a few brands that I care not to mention. Matt Crossen drove up from San Diego and met up to spend the weekend with us as well. All in all, Agenda was straight to the point and business got done.

After finishing up at Agenda we headed out to do some shopping at the Lab. Everyone came up with some new gear and were ready to go back to the hotel to relax for a bit. After a little R&R, we were off to the Agenda BBQ where we would meet up with Jason Tarr from TOMS. There was quite allot of buzz going on in the shoe biz about TOMS. To briefly explain the impact TOMS is having on the shoes market, it is safe to say that every other shoe producer is struggling to book accounts with TOMS crushing it.

Later that night we all headed out to grab a bite to eat at a sushi bar and had some good conversation. Everyone was pretty tired and decided to retire to their rooms except for Aaron, Matt and Jeremy. We were off to the RVCA party to have a good time. There were hundreds of people around as Aaron proceeded to purchase an abundance of overpriced drinks and mac on hot girls. After we made our rounds it was off to LA CAVE, an OC hotspot where Kedd Cook was killing it for the Maloof Money Cup after party celebration. We danced until 2AM then headed back to Kedd's house to catch up with some old friends. We didn't get back until dawn and did not get much sleep.

The next morning we got some new tires on Gregg's whip, and headed out to the Comune Headquarters for a pleasant experience. We checked out the abundance of art inside the portable shipping containers, and got a tour from an old friend Billy that works there now. People were working hard on the new line and you could feel the saturation of the overall branding at the Comune Compound. It was obvious that they meticulously developed an elaborate elegant experience, with models of small stealth airplanes, to a Grey hound that was slinking through the halls. We were shown the line in their show room and were definitely pleased with what we saw. Dark colors and great fabric choices were apparent in the collection, which complimented the rugged collection of motorcycles that were abundantly parked outside. It was well put together is relevant to the man's man. You could see an assortment of button ups, waxed denim, passport holders and detailed duffels. We were exited to book for the new season coming up.

After departing we were able to hang out at the beach and watch a skate comp and listen to some live music at the beach as the US Open came to a close for the day. It was relaxing to hang out and just take in the fresh air at the beach. As our trip came to a close, there was a pleasant feeling in the air. People were motivated, re inspired and ready to get back home and make some moves.

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