Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Last night the Sacramento Skateboard community lost a dear friend. If you ever skated a park, ledge, bump, manual pad, stair set, anything in the Sac area, you more than likely came across Tom. He probably helped you up if you fell, or gave you words of encouragement if you were bummin on a trick. Tom was that kinda person. Every time I saw Tom he had a smile on his face and a skateboard in his hand. He really encompassed everything that is GOOD about skateboarding. Apart from being a really good human being, Tom Co-Owned NINE16 Skateshop in Sacramento. NINE16 is an a really dope shop and I strongly encourage you to check it out if you haven't already. It is the epitome of what a local skateshop should be. Tom, you will be missed, but surely not forgotten. PLEASE SUPPORT NINE16 IN ANYWAY THAT YOU CAN.




Unknown said...

R.I.P. Tom...you will be missed!!!

Stargazre said...

Thank you for the kind words about Tom...I will miss my little brother. He was a friend to all, and a real loss to humanity.

Lovely Riah said...

Tommy was an amazing best friend to my husband Bobby and it is such a tragedy to see him go. I cant imagine life with out Tommy's great spirit, huge smile and beautiful personality. NINE16 is really a tribute to Tom...The Legend.

sis said...

Tommy is my baby brother. He was the funniest kid growing up.
He was also caring and thoughtful.
Tommy was always there when I needed him. Our family has lost our light and joy. Tommy was the best son, brother, father and friend we could all ask for.
It is a good feeling to read your nice comments on my brother it helps to keep his memory alive.
love you TomTom.

Unknown said...

Tom was known to many as a great friend and skate partner...but in my heart he will always be know as the most loving father and husband ever...i will miss you but no where near as much as your daughters will :( R.I.P. Tommy Sorci

josh s said...

tom was my cousin wee grew up in sanjose in are younger days ,he was just like another brother to me.we lost touch for awhile but just before he died we started talking again.u will always be in my prayers and thoughts josh