Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I dont twitter. I dont get it. Nothing against the trillions of people that do but it just doesnt interest me. Last night a friend of mine sent me a link to Ron Artest's twitter page/account/whatever. I've never laughed so hard in my life. Check it out at: twitter.com/real_ron_artest.

A few of my favorites:

"Speaking of food, Shaq should try Tony Romo's diet, that dude just lost 205 pounds."

"Watching Armageddon, wouldn't it be easier to teach astronauts to be drillers than drillers 2 be astronauts? This movie sucks"

"Damn, its been 400 years since we landed on the moon? Shouldn't we have flying cars by now? C'mon science, you slippin"

"So the Mayans think the world is gonna end in 2012? Well if they so smart, how come they got killed with the Dinosaurs"

i may have to join now...


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