Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So thanks in full to our second participant, the NUDIE WORLD TOUR has been canceled. I am loathed to admit that our second participant (who will remain nameless) absolutely destroyed the jeans. We thought this “WORLD TOUR” was going to be a lot of fun for everyone involved. Upon receiving more than 2 dozens requests for participants, we narrowed the field down to those that fit the size requirements. Our only stipulations were that you fit the size, and take good care of the jeans. This moron took advantage of our elementary guidelines and proceed to have his idiot friends write all over the jeans.

Upon recognizing his enormous boo-boo, he thought he could simply wash the jeans and the permanent marker would be erased. Little did he know that he had just completely demolished a $300.00 pair of Japanese slevedge denim and ruined the hopes of 10 other customers who will now not be able to participate.

Participant #2:YOU ARE A DOUCHE BAG.


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