Grabbed a seat to watch Sac's finest, Mumbo Gumbo.

America's Best dance crew.

We were able to snap a pic with 2 of the Mumbo Gumbo girls. Luke's been waiting all his life for this.

They were actually really, really nice. We were bugging them for a pic while they were breaking down after playing, so Mumbo Gumbo girls, if you for some reason happen to be reading the Heritage blog, thank you.
After Mumbo Gumbo, we strolled out (that was a pun, hahaha) to see what else was going down in Old Sac.
Didn't see any police, but who needs 'em when you have the Guardian Angels?

I always think of these guys when I see the Guardian Angels.

Had an artist do a portrait of us.

Not sure if you all know this, but Sac's full of total babes.

I told Luke to keep the strand of beads we bought him, as they definitely increase in value when he gets older. Btw, the link is definitely NSFW. Don't say I didn't warn you.

That's about it. Hope it was worth the read.
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